Each facility is unique in terms of electrical conditions, operational load run times, inductive and capacitive loads, and utility rates and tariffs. Likewise, XL energy cost savings are just as unique because they too are impacted by a facility’s unique electrical and operational conditions.
Historical performance data shows XL System customers falling into 1 of the 3 performance levels in terms of verified energy cost savings and ROI payback.
The energy cost saving performance levels below are attributable to reductions in billed kW demand, KWH consumption, KVAR reactive demand, KVA apparent power, current (Amps) and improved power factor.
- NORMAL Energy Savings
Most XL System customers verified 8% to 12% reduction in annual electricity (kWh and kW) and cost with an ROI payback period of 16 to 24 months.
- Superior Energy Savings
Other XL System customers verified 13% to 17% reduction in annual electricity (kWh and kW) and cost with an ROI payback period of < 16 months.
- Exceptional Energy Savings
A select group of XL System customers verified >17% reductions in annual electricity (kWh and kW) cost with an ROI payback periods <12 months.
Note: the energy savings levels above do not include other soft cost savings such as reduced maintenance cost, increased capacity of existing electrical system and protection of capital equipment loads.
(Click on links below to view more XL energy cost savings information)
- NORMAL XL energy cost savings can be attributed to facilities with average inductive plant load, fair power quality and less than 24x7 operational equipment runtime.
- SUPERIOR XL energy cost savings can be attributed to facilities with large inductive loads, poorer electrical conditions and more operational equipment runtime hours.
- EXCEPTIONAL XL energy cost savings tend are similar to Superior but the y tend to have higher utility rate structures and penalties for poor power quality.
- SUPERIOR and EXCEPTIONAL XL Systems are configured at the upper end of the facility’s operational load profile with each XL module being saturated at 90% to 100% of the time which is maximum performance.